27th June 2022

Power of Attorney in South Africa: What does it entail?

Power of Attorney in South Africa: What does it entail? What is a power of attorney? In terms of our law, a person may not act on behalf of another unless authorized to do so. As such, a power of attorney is a formal instrument by which authority is conferred from the “principal” (the person giving the authority to act on his/her behalf) to an “agent” (the person acting on behalf of the principal). When will you need a power of attorney & who can be appointed as an agent? […]
10th June 2022
Pagdens is a family of legal practitioners

The duty to report corrupt activities – the Legislature’s attempt to curb corruption

THE DUTY TO REPORT CORRUPT ACTIVITIES – THE LEGISLATURE’S ATTEMPT TO CURB CORRUPTION In the current economic and political landscape, South Africans are frequently exposed to reports of corruption in both the private and public sectors. To rewrite the current narrative, it is imperative that whistle-blowers come forward and corrupt activities are reported, investigated, and prosecuted. The duty to report corruption extends beyond a mere moral obligation and is contained in The Prevention and Combatting of Corrupt Activities Act, 12 of 2004 (“PRECCA”). PRECCA was adopted with the following main […]
3rd May 2022


ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADR) Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) refers to any method of resolving disputes without resorting to ordinary litigation – in other words, instituting legal proceedings in a civil court. ADR is a cost effective, flexible, and confidential method that can be used outside of or in addition to formal court proceedings. ADR is often regarded as a better option than the more conventional mechanisms for the settlement of labour, construction and divorce disputes in particular, because of the lower cost and greater speed involved. ADR procedures are mostly […]